Saturday, August 08, 2009


We left our old house in Westbank and moved into our new house in Peachland!!
Chevy & I are checking out our new digs!

This place is so cool...the doggy door even has a view!

Me & my girl cuddling in our new living room:

Here I am teaching Chevy all about noses (I am an expert!):

Me & Chevy watching TV together:

Puppy love *sigh*

I getting kinda old these days....I'm not as active as I used to be, but having a little baby around is keeping me young! I need a little help now and then and I am surrounded by my people that love me a lot. and Chevy keeps feeding more cookies than I have ever dreamed of!!

Here I am relaxing in Barb's hand:

See you next month!!